Automation in Design

What is automation in design?

Design automation in Fusion 360 is a set of features that allows you to automate and streamline your design and engineering processes by using rules, parameters, and scripts. You can use design automation to:

Automated Modelling

Automated Drawings

Automated tool paths in Manufacturing

Generative design Tutorials

Generative design is a design exploration technology available in Fusion 360. It allows you to input design parameters, such as materials, size, weight, strength and manufacturing methods, and then automatically generates multiple design solutions that meet your requirements. You can then explore and compare the design solutions and select the optimal one for manufacture

Generative design can help you discover new ways to design parts with manufacturability, performance, and cost constraints. It can also help you design beyond the human imagination and develop innovative and efficient solutions that you might not otherwise consider.

To use generative design in Fusion 360, you need to work in the Generative Design workspace, where you can edit a model, set up a study, generate and explore outcomes, and export the final design.

Part 1

Preparing a model for generative design.

Part 2

Generating a generative design study. 

Part 3

Exploring generative design results. 

To access the tutorials you will need to use the linked below 

This file gives you an image so that you have a base reference to create a model to be used for the study.  

This file allows you to add you lever arm to a design and see how it looks as part of the tray table as a whole. 

This file gives you an opportunity to skip the design stage and go straight to creating a generative design.